two more high peaks down! only 40 to go.
it would have been three down, only 39 to go but.... i had a blister problem. mostly due to forgetting my sock liners. we also forgot a camera so i had to use my handy dandy iphone to capture the weekend.
matt's birthday was last week so for a couple months we get to be the same age. to celebrate, we went to lake placid and worked on our goal of climbing all 46 high peaks in the adirondacks.
we successfully conquered Algonquin (the second highest!) and Wright.
we of course had to stop at the lake placid brewery for some ubu ale and dinner. so yummy.
here are some pictures!
1. turning down my favorite road in lake placid. 2. pretty fields. 3. matt and i are both in love with the coloring in those fields.
4. matt looking awesome on the way to the lake. 5. sitting on the dock. 6. NO DIVING!
7. mmmmm.... pulled pork nachos and a few pints of ubu at lake placid brewery.
8. the wilderness! 9. flowers, on a mountain. 10. one of the many times i thought we were almost to the top of Algonquin.
*we also noticed some bees on the summits. one of the stewards told us that they live in the ground all year long and only come out to mate. and apparently they have no stingers! wish we could get some bees like that around my house.
11. finally at the top of Algonquin! 12. view from Wright mountain.
hope everyone has a great 4th of july (i really can't believe it is july already!)
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