Tuesday, January 24, 2012

what i can do when left alone for the weekend.

it happens once a month. the guys go camping. i am home alone. 

i found out i can watch 8 episodes of freaks and geeks, a few random shows on hulu, only get out of bed a handful of times and knit myself a cowl in one day. i stayed shut in my room with the exception of removing the snow from the driveway and my car. it was perfect.

toasty warm!

 upon waking on sunday, i knew i had to do something. so.... i put my new sewing machine to good use and made a tote. i read a few blogs on a regular basis. for the most part they make me feel lazy. though sometimes i am motivated. noodlehead is a blog i follow. there is an amazingly cute tote pattern that i picked up there. 
why not? i purchased the fabric for it a few weeks ago (after making that silly resolution). and so it was.
 i built the tote.

two pockets on the outside....

 i think that it actually came out very well. i have been kinda shoving it in the faces of anyone who will let me. i promptly sent my (very creative and talented) mother a picture who has requested i make one for her. and i think i just might.

and a pocket on the inside?!?!

 maybe next time i am home alone.


  1. I expect to receive mine for my birthday!! --Meg

  2. That does look toasty warm and so comfy! Love it.
